As the new year approaches, you may be looking at your marketing plan and wondering how you can fill in the gaps. With the digital age creating an ever-changing market, how do you get your beautiful images on quality products and to your clients? Improve upon your marketing plan for 2018 by choosing a professional printing lab. A quick Google search will give you a list of names, but how do you know which lab is right for you? Here are some things to think about when choosing a print lab.
The Quality
This is probably the most important. As a photographer, you take amazing photographs. It is only natural that you want these photographs displayed in a high-quality way. If available, ask for samples in a variety of sizes and textures. If they do not have free samples, ask if they have sample discounts. Not only will this help you inspect the quality, but it’ll also help you choose the perfect product later down the line. You don’t want your prints to come back less than perfect, so work with your lab to create the best products for your clients
Customer Service
No one wants to talk to an angry Customer Service representative. Your lab should have representatives that are glad to work with you to reach your goals. However being friendly is just one part of having great customer service. They should be easy to reach and also knowledgeable. Make sure you know if your lab has a phone number or email you can contact them at and what times they are available.
The Technical
This is something that varies from lab to lab. Everything from the website to online payment to the ordering system falls under this category. The ordering system should be easy to use. Find out if it has easy to use design tools to create your own products, edit existing ones, and create your own packages. Also, the ordering system and the website has to be easy to navigate. With such a busy schedule, no one want’s to add time navigating a confusing website. Most importantly, what is their payment system? Credit card, or cash/check? A lab with online payment options should be secure and also user-friendly.
Turnaround Time
Instant gratification is very important. Your product needs to be produced at a high quality and in a fast timeframe. Find out the turnaround time for the products you will be ordering most. Then decide if that is a reasonable amount of time. Your clients want to see, hold, and touch the final product as quickly as possible. If the lab’s turn around doesn’t cut it, you may have to choose a new lab.
At Lenzart, we pledge to give you a quality product and deliver it to you in the fastest way possible. Our greatest pleasure is the creativity we all enjoy in this amazing industry of professional photography. We know you take the time to learn about your client before capturing moments of beauty and individuality. You do not have a cookie cutter way of interacting with clients, so why should your lab? We spend time getting to know each client, understanding their needs, and creating the best solution for them. No matter what “tangible” services you need from us, it will always be coupled with the enhancement of sincere and helpful customer service. Whenever you call, a happy human will always answer, never a robot. We sincerely value this opportunity to be your lab and we look forward to sharing ideas with you. Please call and introduce yourself, we’d love to hear from you!