Digital Retouching

In order to take your images from good to outstanding, you have your choice among a variety of Digital Retouching options, ranging from the Basic Retouch to Deluxe Facial Retouch, our team will focus on the retouching aspects you have chosen.
Basic Facial Retouch
Includes softening lines, wrinkles and under eye bags and removing blemishes on the face and neck. It also includes removing moles, scars and birthmarks when requested.
Moderate Facial Retouch
Includes basic facial retouch, plus eye sharpening
Deluxe Facial Retouch
Includes all basic facial steps, plus:
- Eye sharpening
- Eye enhancement (brighten iris, clean up whites, etc)
- Whiten teeth
- Tone down facial shine
Digital Artwork
Can be added to any service and any substrate to make the final result just as pleasing as possible. Quotes are available on individual orders or sometimes by the job or on a complete body of work. (quotes available at anytime at $10.00 per quote)
We have price estimates for the various levels of restoration work posted on our website. For an exact quote, a rush job, or an extensive restoration, we will be happy to quote a specific job.
To view professional studio pricing – please log in with your user name and password. If you do not have an account with Lenzart yet – please visit our Get Started with LenzartROES page to create an account and receive your log in information.