3 EASY WAYS for studios to order…your choice!
Lenzart Connect (Let us do it!)
No need for special software or training – simply send us your log sheets/order envelopes and your images via CD/DVD/USB flash drive, or by uploading them to us through our webpage. Lenzart will link images, input packages and retouch data, print and package. We’ll do it all for you, making this method simple and ready to deliver at surprisingly economical prices.
In Studio Link
In this method, you’ll use our Timestone CapturePost software for data linking and you’ll be provided all your package information (and retouching, if requested) as barcodes. After picture day, match the images and load the package data at your convenience, in the comfort of your studio.
Tethered Capture
If you’re used to “doing it all” while shooting, you’ll want to shoot tethered at the school. Using CapturePost, scan the student’s barcoded camera card, scan the barcoded package ordered and keep on shooting.
CapturePost Software
Capturepost is the software that you as the photographer will use at the school. The students information, picture and package information all join together in a few simple steps to help you build and complete the entire school order.
Call up students information by scanning their barcoded camera card.
Take multiple pictures and choose the final image to order from.
Scan package barcodes to queue up ordered packages.
Add new students that weren’t in the original data
Download the CapturePost manual here
To view professional studio pricing – please log in with your user name and password. If you do not have an account with Lenzart yet – please visit our Get Started with LenzartROES page to create an account and receive your log in information.