
Save Time With Retouching

With the upcoming holidays, make sure you are spending your time wisely. If you find yourself becoming stressed over a lack of time, step away from the computer. At Lenzart, we can help you upgrade your orders and save time. With our retouching services, you can stop spending so much time in front of a computer, and spend more time photographing and selling your great products.

Pros of Retouching

Have you ever thought about how much time you spend retouching your images by yourself? Well, this time is dependent on what you need to do. Photo color correction, contrast, white balance, saturation, sharpening, curves, etc. Then about 20% of your pictures need cropping. That with shooting multiple weddings, events, headshots, and couples sessions, it is easy for a busy photographer to run out of time. Going through a process of digital photo retouching takes a lot of effort and a lot of time. Instead of spending hours in front of a computer, bring your retouching to Lenzart. With time to spare, you’ll have more time to take photos, create albums, talk to other photographers and find new potential clients. With competitive pricing and advanced image manipulation skills, trust Lenzart to take your images from good to outstanding.

Lenzart offers three great facial retouching services:

Our highly experienced, in-house staff will help you put the finishing touches on your beautiful images.

Basic Facial Retouch
Includes softening lines, wrinkles and under eye bags and removing blemishes on the face and neck. It also includes removing moles, scars and birthmarks when requested.
Moderate Facial Retouch
Includes basic facial retouch, plus eye sharpening
Deluxe Facial Retouch
Includes all basic facial steps, plus:

  • Eye sharpening
  • Eye enhancement (brighten iris, clean up whites, etc)
  • Whiten teeth
  • Tone down facial shine

Lenzart retouchers are trained in the art of darkroom burning/holding and that training can be carried onto your digital files so your images never look like the run of the mill prints from the “big guys.”

Quotes are available for individual orders, by the job, and on a complete body of work.
Sometimes it’s those little touches that can take your product to the next level and really wow your clients.

Learn More About Retouching