
Build a Strategic Plan

Your Steps to an Organized, Strategic Studio Plan

First, take a block of time to consider these important foundational questions (they’ll be the building blocks for your whole plan of attack!)

  • How do I perceive my studio?
  • What do I want to be known for … what service and what qualities?
  • How do my clients perceive my studio? (Ask some of them!)
  • How do strangers perceive my studio? (Ask some via a “special offer” questionnaire.)
  • Do these perceptions differ at all from one another? And if so, use that knowledge to your advantage.
  • What do I (we) want for the studio? Be specific! Is it top line sales growth, increased traffic, a better average sale? Be detailed.
  • Which of these specific goals need to be attacked first? Break up your list into: this month, this quarter, next quarter, this year, next year.
  • Is my record keeping ready to help me evaluate, re-evaluate and update these steps?

Once you’re sure about your own vision, get moving on making your vision visible to others. Try some of these many suggestions that come from Lenzart clients and colleagues. Don’t be afraid to ask around, call a business associate for opinions, or partner with other business owners whose product may compliment yours.

Here are some of the most often used ideas:

  • Sponsor a charitable event to become visible in the community and build good will.
  • Have an open house that revolves around a theme of yours, or a special event you create.
  • Partner with businesses that share your business philosophy and idea of the ideal client – try high end kids clothing shops, day spas, interior designers, florists – the ideas are truly endless!
  • Donate your services to a local hospital, school, or day care for an event that means a lot to them.
  • Hold a class at your studio. It could be about decorating with fine art photos or designing their own holiday card (through you, of course).
  • Set up an appreciation plan for referrals. Ask for the referral, then be sure to reward them for their help.
  • Speak to a professional group, or offer your studio as a unique meeting place.
  • Create some unique business cards for yourself, and get ‘em out there! Try a unique size, or metallic, or some of our textures!

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